Company Description
LBM Infotech Pvt Ltd. is fully well-versed IT Company based in India. We provide a full suite of facilities that functions together to give your company appropriate system and solutions. We are passionately involved in providing our clients with innovative concepts, appropriate solutions, best quality services, cost-effective prices & within time bound project completion. We are specialized in development of latest trend iPhone & Android Applications, Custom Software Application, Products, CMS, and Responsive Portals, Hosting services and numerous other web services. Our advance technology has extended crossway across the globe. We focus more on our client’s profession emphasizing the Opportunities, Growth, Return on Investment (ROI) and
Company Details
  • Industry Type - IT - Software / Product Development
  • Operations - Pan India
  • Employee Company Strngth - 21-30
0 - 3 Years
Nashik / India
HR Executive | Nashik
1 - 2 Years
Nashik / India