Company Description
We excel in job placement and talent discovery for individuals. Jobs Clap facilitate job seekers by connecting them with suitable employment opportunities, streamlining the application process, and offering guidance on resume building and interview preparation. Acting as intermediaries, these agencies enhance job seekers' chances of finding the right match and advancing their careers in a competitive job market. Job Placement Expertise Industry Networking Efficient Job Search Career Counseling Continuous Support
Company Details
  • Industry Type - ADVERTISING / PUBLIC RELATIONS / MARKETING / EVENTS, Educational Technology / Online Learning / Tutoring / E-Learning, Schools - Private / Residential, FOOD, HOSPITALITY, TRAVEL & TOURISM, STATIONERY - Paper / Non-Paper Stationery (School, College, Office Supplies)
  • Employee Company Strngth - 2-5
School Lead sales manager
2 - 6 Years
Ahmedabad | Pune | Mumbai | Hyderabad / India